
Canada is hosting ISHEN2025!

Save the date : October 5-8th!

About us

ISHEN is the International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism. The Society’s origins date back to 1971, when a Working Group led by I. Szám, D. Müting and V. Bräutigam organized an International Symposium on Ammonia Metabolism. Held in Budapest in May 1972, this first symposium featured Sir Hans Adolf Krebs’ presentation of the newly discovered urea cycle.

Join us

ISHEN is a lively international community of basic and clinician scientists dedicated to the study of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and therapy of hepatic encephalopathy (HE).

As a member of ISHEN, you become part of this community and receive regular updates upon new developments in the field whether through newsletters, ISHEN translational science webinars and the international symposia held every two years.




Join us at AASLD meeting next November in San Diego. Details of the meeting dedicated to members will be given via the newsletter.

Your are not already member? Join us, it's free!

December ISHEN-T webinar

December ISHEN-T webinar

Next webinar will be held on December 6th.
Register here.